- DATE: Sometime in the Fall of 2019. I think it was in August or September.
- TIME: Just after dawn. I think 7AM MT
- COORDINATES: Approx 39.74587319363709, -105.04616925673703 per lookup on Google maps.
- GENERAL: I only caught a glimpse just before it hid behind the trees on the southern embankment of Sloan's Lake. It really does appear to have the head of one of those Canada Geese that are everywhere but it has the body of a big ape like creature. See sketch included below. I couldn't get my camera out quickly enough to take a photo so I sketched this from memory. I could see a reflection in its eyes like how sometimes the flash can cause "redeye" in photos.
- HEIGHT: At least 6 ft tall, maybe 7?
- WEIGHT: No idea but must be at least 300 lbs
- COLOR: Black and white head, brown body. I think it had both fur and features but couldn't distinguish.

My verry, very rough sketch of the creature